Bishop Timothy W. Whitaker

Resident Bishop
Florida Annual Conference of
The United Methodist Church

Greetings to all of the people of The United Methodist Church in Florida in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I rejoice with you in the good news of the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!

The message of Easter offers hope to our world in a time of deep anxiety during a war in Iraq, terrorism in Madrid, and violence between Israelis and Palestinians. It gives assurance and courage to those of us experiencing grief over the loss of loved ones and struggling with the troubles and afflictions of life. By raising Jesus from the dead the living God has promised a new world and a new life now and beyond the grave. The God who raised Jesus is capable of doing a new thing despite the destructive powers of sin and death. Because we live in a world in which God has raised Jesus from the dead we trust that good will triumph over evil, love over hate, and life over death.

On this Easter let us live according to the counsel of the apostle of Paul which he gave following his proclamation of God's mighty act of raising Jesus Christ: "Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

Timothy W. Whitaker
Resident Bishop, Florida Area home page