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April 25, 2003


Bishop's Corner

The Humanity Of God

By Bishop Timothy W. Whitaker

The mysterious 40 days of the appearances of the crucified and risen Jesus came to an end with his ascension. The classical text that describes the ascension of Jesus is Acts 1:11.

Literal minded people have assumed that the ascension of Jesus was like a trip into outer space. Acts 1:10 states that while Jesus’ apostles were watching “he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.”

While this is a description of the end of the final appearance of Jesus, it is a description laden with symbolic significance. Being lifted up is a symbol of Jesus’ enthronement as the Sovereign of the human race, and being enveloped in a cloud is a symbol for his being encompassed by the glorious presence of God. He is the Sovereign, but his sovereignty is hidden to all except to those who know him by faith (Colossians 3:1-4). At the end of history his sovereignty will be revealed to all.

When the incarnate Son of God ascended to the right hand of God the Father, his humanity participated in the life of the triune God. Through Jesus God has incorporated human nature into God’s own being. Thus, we may speak realistically of the humanity of God. God is committed for eternity to the human race, and God’s destiny is interwoven with our destiny because of God’s free love for us.

It is tempting sometimes to despair of the human race. The present predicament of yet another war against yet another ruthless dictator is a case in point. The economic injustices that abound, the ethnic and religious hatreds in the world, and the petty personal manifestations of selfishness, greed and power plays fill in the details of the human story. Yet, there are always also signs of human nobility, generosity and wisdom.

More than that, there is the revelation of God in Jesus Christ who is ascended to the right hand of God in his humanity. This is the good news that despair over human nature is not the last word. We who believe in God are free to believe in one another because of the humanity of God made real in the ascension of the Son of God who became one of us.

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