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May 12, 2000



Tough Times, and Good

By Bill Walker
Director, Conference Council on Ministries

Bill Walker, Director, Conference Council on MinistriesIn the life of our connectional dimension as Florida United Methodists, these are challenging times, indeed. Challenges are useful in that they prompt a sense of urgency. However, when you are under the oppression of the challenge, you yearn for "an easier way to get urgent!"

In the weeks that lie ahead, our conference will be doing a lot of looking at itself. The Dare to Share Jesus 2000 Florida Annual Conference Event and an initiative known as "The Common Table," which was suggested by the Conference Council on Ministries and affirmed by the Cabinet, will provide times for thoughtful examination and reflection. These will both follow General Conference, which provided yet another opportunity for examining ourselves for focus and effectiveness.

It is clear to me that the key to our success in these efforts will lie in our spiritual life preparation. If we are faithful, we know we can rely on being led by the Holy Spirit through this process, and we know we will emerge stronger and more effective in aiding the mission of the church: Making Disciples for Jesus Christ.

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